D&D: Struggle against further your naughty thoughts and wait for the lieutenant to call upon you

From Create Your Own Story

You manage to hold your libido in check, for the time being.

One of the guards comes up to you and tells you the lieutenant is ready to meet you. You enter the lieutenant's study. By the looks of it, he pretty much lives in this room as well. You aproach the desk and the lieutenant looks up at you.

"Hm. Who are you and why did you ask for a meeting?", he quickly waves away the guard who escorted you.

Before you can answer, you hear the door behind you shut close. You are now alone with this man. And he is not a bad looking man. On another note though, his aura is not that of an honorable one. No wonder, the guards are so corrupt in the city if someone like him is in charge.

"Sir, I have heard about the monsters in the sewer and I believe I can help. But I have also heard you've locked the passages and I need you to let me in the cities underground." you explain.

You hope this will convince him to let you pass. He rub his chin for a second before asking

"Is that so... You are very knowledgeable young girl. The sewers are a dangerous place right now nonetheless and I can't just let anyone waltz in just for the sake of gold." he carefully answers. "Please, you have to let me in. This is also my chance at proving my skills on top of settling myself up for life with the reward..." you continue.

He keeps pondering in that way of his.

"Well, this is a heartfelt plea I cannot just ignore..." he says, his smile slowly broadens though as he continues "Well, there are conditions that would make me consider your demands and help sway my judgement in your favor." he adds.

You don't like where this is going, but then again, the lust inside you is swelling as well, you still manage to control your answer

"Well... what would those conditions be?" you carefully say.

"Why, a young knowledgeable girl like you must know what I am talking about..." he answers with an evil grin.

D&D: Strip for him

D&D: Continue arguing with him

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