D&D: FEW The masked ball: Valan asks you to stand still while he takes your measurements.

From Create Your Own Story

He brings a small chair over and invites you to step on it. You do and you feel your head being a bit higher then his. It feels good to be taller. He pulls out a measuring cord and smiles at you. "All right, hold still. This won't take long."

You nod and lift your arms up after he asks you, staying in this position as he wraps the cord along your arms, around it, he then measures the length of your legs. You feel him lifting the frill of your skirt lightly so he can measure your thighs. You shift a little but hold still. He then measure your waist, and then moves to your chest. The cord wrap itself gently around your breasts and squeeze lightly as he tighten it to get a good reading. You blush a little.

"You do know I am an accomplished wizard right?" you say. "There's some spell I know that could help us in this mission."

"I am counting on it, actually. But be careful about casting them. You might get the wrong attention. The human nobles of Waterdeep are always mighty suspicious of magic cast within their halls and safety cushion."

You nod and breathe out when he takes the last measurements.

"O.K, that's good. I'll have an outfit prepared for tomorrow. Be sure to come by in the morning so we can see if they fit."

"Sure," you say as you readjust your outfit. He offer a gentle hand to help you off the chair. You smile at his gallantry and take it, stepping down like a princess.

D&D: FEW The masked ball: You ask him if there's anything else you could help with today

D&D: FEW The masked ball: Head back out in town while waiting for the outfit

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