D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: A crew member stops you in the halls

From Create Your Own Story

As you navigate back to your room, you hear the door behind you open and is softly shut. You turn around to find that one of the sailors who saw your earlier performance is standing before you. You blush a bit, not only at the state of your undress and obvious arousal, but at his as well. You see that his breeches sport an impressive tent, and you mentally commend his seamstress for being able to securely contain such a package.

He walks confidently towards you, assisted by a little liquid courage, and he reaches out to put his arm around your shoulder.

"That was quite the performance, would love to see more of it, and of you" He says,

You blush at his insinuations and you are reminded of your earlier and current arousal.

"Thank you." You say sheepishly, "It was my first time performing like that, I hope I didn't disappoint."

He chuckles and states boisterously,

"Certainly not! You have quite the talent there for movement. How about we move to my cabin, then once we're there, maybe I could get an encore and some more, Eh lass?" He asks boldly,

You are surprised at his forwardness, and are slightly taken aback. You weren't necessarily expecting subtlety from this inebriated sailor, but it is still quite a brazen suggestion nonetheless. Your arousal doesn't let you simply shrug this off at the moment, you are quite horny and his offer of coitus seems to be backed by quite the package. You should probably make the choice of your actions here, lest they be made for you in a few moments.

FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Politely refuse and retreat to your cabin

FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Accept his offer and follow him to his bed

FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Drop to your knees right here and service him

FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Quickly find a discrete place to "accept" his "offer"

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