D&D: FEW Meet with Valan Stormcrest to solve the political tensions

From Create Your Own Story

Back at your room, you opt for a stylized mage robe with loose elbow-sleeve and that ends in a short skirt, the loose neck of the robe drops low giving you an appreciable amount of cleavage and the wide "mobility" cuts in the robes travel fairly far up the side of your thighs. You pair it with short purple fingerless gloves that trap between your index and major and leave the rest open. You put on a pair of purple matching stockings. You put on some travelling sandals and pick a pair of skimpy purple panties with no motif but a little frills on the side. You opt for a bra that supports and pushes up your substantial breasts, seeing that it could help you "diplomatically". You grab your bags and things and head on out.

You head towards the noble district and stroll towards a big mansion you know to be the home of Valan Stormcrest. He is a long-time acquaintance of your family. You announce yourself at the entrance. The guard eyes you up and down. You don't use your magic to read his mind but you can figure out he is probably picturing you in indecent behavior. The guard let you in and make you wait while they announce you. After a bit, the guard come back to get you. You are guided through the halls. Despite guiding you, he tells you where to turn and follows you. You figured it was to make sure you didn't slipped away and not because he wanted observe you from behind. You reach a door from which you are asked to proceed. You walk in and thank the guard before stepping in the room.

You find yourself in a large study with beautiful grand windows that grant sights to a well-tended garden. Inside the place is maps, bookcases, trophy and noble crests aligned on the walls. Valan Stormcrest is waiting for you at his desk.

"Ah a nice surprise! It is good to see a friendly face. My you sure have grown." he says while smiling. You smile back.

"Thank you lord Stormcrest. I am glad to see you as well." you say nicely. You approach him and he takes time to admire you and you do the same. He has the shape of a warrior. A well-decorated sword hangs on his hips and he is dressed richly. You have to raise your head up a bit to look at him in the face. Being an elf makes you much smaller then him and you look like a teen next to an adult, despite your age. Back a few year, he was about the same age as you. When he was older, you know he teamed up with your father to solve some problem and earn his noble titles.

"You're smile hasn't changed one bit though." he says, flattering you

You smile at the compliment and go straight to the point:"I have heard you had troubles my lord. I've come to propose my aid, if you should require it."

"Hrm, knowledgeable girl. It is true, there is some tension. A noble from Waterdeep has insulted some of the high brass of Daggerford and now all relationships seems to have gone wrong. things escalated way too quickly for it to be just a coincidence."

"You think there is foul play my lord ?" you ask.

He nods :"I believe so. I think a third party is manipulating these two sides."

-"What would you like to do ?"

-"For now I need to solve the dispute and find proof of my claim."

-"Can I be of some help ?" you ask innocently.

He takes a moment and rub his chin. Smiling at you."I may. I have a few ideas on how to mend the bridge between Daggerford and Waterdeep. And you might be just the right person for the job."

You smile widely and nods"Of course, Lord Stormcrest. Anything !"

He seems to be happy at your eagerness.

"Alright, here are the ideas. I'll let you decide which one you want to go with."

D&D: FEW Valan stormcrest propose to use a magic item on you

D&D: FEW Valan stormcrest propose you participate in a masked ball

D&D: FEW Valan stormcrest propose to send you to daggerford and meet with the lords there

Those things can wait, first you'd like to Have sex with Valan stormcrest in his office

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