Continue on your route, trying to recall which houses have the best hotties for you to fuck.

From Create Your Own Story

You scan your new host's memory as you continue to distribute the mail. The two best possibilities are, as it happens, the final two houses on the route.

The second-to-last house contains a tall, rangy, older blonde, Celeste van Martin, whose husband has been home by her count exactly 4 days in the past 3 years. He's always doing some business deal and has forgotten about his wife's physical needs. She's rich beyond measure as a result, which is why she hasn't divorced him, but she does everybody from the postman [you] to the pool boy. She's in her late 40's but has kept her body in fine shape. Her pert, firm breasts need no support, her stomach is washboard-flat and her long, muscular legs are perfectly toned.

The final house, directly adjacent to Celeste's, is home to a shorter, slightly chubbier brunette woman. Thelma Garrison is in her late 20's and inherited untold wealth when her parents died. But since her boyfriend was killed in a drunken car crash 2 months ago, she's been very depressed. Her soft, curvy body and soulful brown eyes are hard to resist, and her self-esteem is so low she's an easy target. All you have to do is be the least bit nice to her and she'll invite you inside. You honestly do think her large, round breasts and soft, curvy rump are attractive. And she eagerly uses sex to get positive attention from both men and women. One very memorable day you encountered Celeste "consoling" Thelma in her bedroom and joined the fun...

You finish your route, closing with Celeste and Thelma's mail, and pause for a moment.

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