Climb the fence and try to stow away on a plane

From Create Your Own Story

You park the Jeep a couple of blocks away from the barbed-wire fence marking the edge of the airport. You unload the AK-47 and lock it in the trunk. If you're seen with a weapon while sneaking onto the airport grounds, you're likely to be shot on sight. You keep your other weapons, however, as they are concealable.

Approaching the fence, you stay hidden in the shadows as you scout the area. You note the comings and goings of the various workers and security guards. The guards don't seem to have any pattern to their patrols. You'll have to be careful.

When nobody seems to be looking, you approach the barbed-wire fence.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Walther PPK with silencer, knife, data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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