Choose Knight's plan?

From Create Your Own Story

Those mines have you immobilized, but you have the finest crew in all of Space Command and they are always at the ready to give you creative solutions to get you out of tight spots.

"How fast can we move without setting off the mines?" you ask.

"There is no way to be sure," Lieutenant Thenalak answers. "But I've seen similar devices before, they generally do not detonate until speeds reach 1000 kilometers per hour."

"And how many mines have attached themselves to the hull?"

"Scanners indicate six mines sir."

"Alright Ensign Knight, try to shake these damn things off. But keep speeds below 900 KPH."

"Yes sir." Ensign Knight says. She turns back to the ship's helm controls and breathes in deep, holds the breath in for a moment, and exhales slowly. "Here we go."

Excalibur slowly begins to move through space as the young woman at the helm works the controls.

"We're at 850 KPH" Knight says. "I'm going to try a hard-to-port maneuver."

Excalibur jerks 90° to the left.

"One of the mines has detached from the hull." Thenalak says.

"Alright," Knight says. "Lets try a hard-to-starboard next."

She skillfully works the controls and the ship jerks right.

"Two more mines have detached" Thenalak reports.

"Nice job" Commander Jenkins says.

"Thank you sir" Knight replies. "Lets see if we can get the inertia to pull some of 'em off. I'm going to perform an emergency stop."

Excalibur's reverse thrusters fire and the ship abruptly stops.

"Two more mines are gone" Thenalak says. "Just one more."

"I'm worried about the amount of stress we're putting on the engines sir" says Martinez.

"Understood Lieutenant," you say. "Ensign Knight, we can't keep this up much longer, you need to get that mine off with the next maneuver."

"Okay," she says. "I'm going to engage the starboard thruster on each of the engines, once we've generated a nice corkscrew I'll disengage the starboard thrusters and engage the port thrusters."

The ship spins and spins, you are thankful that the inertial-compensators are working or you would be very dizzy by now. You are even more thankful for them when Ensign Knight reverses the thrusters or you would have a nasty case of whiplash.

"The last mine is off." Lieutenant Thenalak announces.

"Great job ensign," you say. "Lieutenant Martinez, how are the engines?"

"The sheering stress has caused buckling on the nacelle mounts of engines 1,3, and 4. We're going to have keep the speed down or they may fail completely." he replies.

"Very well. Lieutenant Thenalak, continue mapping out the nebula."

You complete the charting of the nebula with no further incidents. However, the damage you sustained causes the work to slow down and you finish behind schedule.


You have successfully mapped out the Dark Nebula. Nice work, these charts will allow space freighters to cut down on their travel time significantly. However, you fell into a mysterious trap and your ship was damaged. You need to be more careful in the future.


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