CeCe first, now Alex

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to to get Alex Russo, the middle child of the Russo's. You happen to know that she lives in a restaurant in Waverly place. You go right now.

You arrive in Waverly place. You get in the restaurant where you order a sandwich and stay there till the place closes. You eavesdrop and hear Alex will stay here alone tonight. You hide in here till everyone is away. You get upstairs and see Alex watching television. You lock the doors and windows. You charge at her in the hope she sees you and runs away, because you start to like it when they run from you. She sees you and runs downstairs, into the kitchen in the freezer. She's trapped, you think. You run in the freezer only to see that there is occult-ish like room in here. She seems to have some sort of stick in her hand. She yells some sort of gibberish and something comes out of the stick. Whatever it is, it makes a deep cut around your eye. You know that if you get the next time you get hit, it might kill you. What do you use as a shield?

A plastic box.

An actual shield.

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