Call Stefano you boss and ask to work

From Create Your Own Story

You take your phone out of your pocket . And call your boss from your part time job you have been doing at a local pizza place - Stefano.

Stefano- is in his 40s a deep tanned Italian man with thick black hair and a short dark beard. He is in okey shape, he has a rugby players build only with maybe a little more of a gut and is covered in body hair you can tell from his arms and chest hair always exposed when he wears a shirt with most of the top buttons undon.

“ hello jake my favourite employee “ he says as you answer the phone

You laugh “ hi Stefano, I was wondering if you needed me to work today, I’m looking for extra cash and I was wondering if maybe you needed my help today ?’

“ really oh my god you have been sent from the heavens, I actually have a bit of an emergency Jakey boy , one of my delivery boys just cancelled on me and I only have a new guy working today I need someone to show him the ropes and help with delivery’s “

Do you :

agree to go to work today

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