Buy a ticket and watch the soccer game

From Create Your Own Story

You buy your ticket and enter the stadium, where you find your seat.

The local team, the Sounders, score an early goal. You remain seated but clap vigorously.

the goal holds up, and they win 1-0. You pump your fist a few times and high-five some of the celebrating fans before you exit.

That was actually kind of fun. No one knew you were a zombie.

You slip into one of the alleys of Seattle for the night. As you're about to settle, you see a man arguing with what appears to be a hooker.

"I want more money," she snaps. "You didn't tell me you wanted to slap me around."

"You got more than enough from me," he growls. "This'll keep you quiet." He injects her neck with a needle, and she passes out. He lowers her to the ground near you.

You haven't had sex in a while...

Fuck the drugged hooker in the ass

Ignore the hooker and settle for the night

You are: A zombie
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