BGYSST/Check Her Computer

From Create Your Own Story

Since she is out at the moment, her computer is your best option. You go to her room and open her door. Then sit at her desk and turn on her computer. You are a little worried about a password, but find she does not lock her computer.

You start with her browsing history, but don't find anything outlandish. This means none of her websites are of any use to you. Then you check for any pics or videos that can be of use. You find, once again, nothing you can use.

You are about to give up when you do some checking and find a private chat she had saved. It was with her boyfriend and the language made it very clear that it was sexual, which is perfect. A little patience pays off as you send yourself and email with the chat attached and also print it out for added benefit.

You hear your sister get home and you meet her in the living room. You hold up the paper and say, "Look what I found, sis."

You hand her the printout and her eyes grow wide. Then they narrow and her pale face turns red. She snaps at you as she demands, "Where the hell did you get this?"

You smile and say, "From your computer. I already emailed a copy to myself, so you can keep that one. I can always email them to mom and dad. Not to mention your friends."

Her face remains red, but her eyes show she understood everything you just said. She shakes her head and says, "You can't do that."

You continue to smile as you say, "Of course I can. Unless you do exactly what I say."

She nods and says, "Anything, just don't send that to anyone."

You say, "So if I want you to suck my dick, you will suck my dick, sis?"

Your sister:

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