Ask to go back to your place, you don't want to loose your virginity in the locker room

From Create Your Own Story

You really don't wan't to loose your virginity in the locker room.

"Umm... can we go back to my place," you ask with a small voice.

Jason's face drops, but he still smiles. "Sure baby," he replies before taking your hand, making a beeline for the exit door.

As you walk together, hand in hand, you can practically feel his anticipation rolling off him. He'd been holding off with sex for a long time which made you feel guilty for doing this to him.

"Jason, about tonight, I don't really know if I'm ready," you say quietly.

You hear the hitch in Jason's breathing, "Come on baby, I've been waiting forever, I promise I'll make it good."

You sigh, "It's my first time Jason... I- I wan't it to be... special."

"Jesus," you hear him say, "Babe, come on, you're killing me."

The house comes into view as you and Jason near it. "I just-."

"Look babe, lets just go inside, we'll just see what happens," he says, giving your hand a squeeze.

You look down, "OK," you reply.

He smiles as you enter the house with Jason close behind.

A small object zips past your head, hitting Jason in the chest before he crumbles to the ground. You scream as blood stains his green t-shirt.

What do you do?

Status Virgin Equipment:

Condom, Apple

Sex 0 Times
Debt $0
Money $20
Clothing T-Shirt, Skirt, Sneakers
Health 100%
Mental 80%
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