Ask Famine what Conquest is talking about

From Create Your Own Story

"What is he talking about?" you ask.

"Some college whore he wants to protect," Famine replies. "I don't know what he sees in her, but-"

"Shut up!" Conquest yells back. "Don't talk about her like that!"

Famine just looks at him. "Raymond, give me the gun. You're not thinking straight."

Ignoring his partner, Conquest fires off a second shot, which barely misses your face as Famine knocks the barrel of his gun away. As they struggle for control of the weapon, the back end of the rifle strikes your head. You hear snapping noise as you black out.

The good news is you're free. The bad news is you need to find a new host.

Two people -- a slim brunette with pale skin who looks to be in her mid-40's but has kept herself in great physical shape, and a male black teenager with a shaved head -- are close by. The brunette is about 50 feet behind the preacher and walking in the same direction as him. Your super-senses determine that the piece of paper in her hand is a shopping list. The teenager is leaning against the side of the store the preacher is just passing by, with a blank look in his eyes and headphones covering his ears. He's clearly intent on listening to the music from his iPod, as his right foot is idly tapping to the beat.

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