Ask Adam AND Shayla to join in

From Create Your Own Story

You tangle one hand in Kara's soft, red hair and firmly press down, keeping her mouth fully on your cock. Your other hand goes behind your head as you recline back on the couch, closing your eyes for a moment to savor both the mindblowing friction from Kara's tongue and the feel of Shayla and Adam's stunned eyes on you. You know you must look like a sex god, and you love it.

When you open your eyes again, you enjoy the view of Kara bobbing obediently on your shaft before making eye contact with Shayla... and Adam. They seem to be at a loss to continue, so caught up with your display. Their awe has you bold, and you ask, "Do you guys want to join us?"

Shayla sits up immediately, nodding breathlessly. Adam is more reluctant, but you give him a look. He knows you've double-teamed girls before with guys on the football team; it was never with Adam specifically, but there's a first time for everything, right?

Walking over to the couch and positioning Shayla on his lap, he asks, "Yeah, let's try it. What did you have in mind?"

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