
From Create Your Own Story

You figure as thick as the bushes are, you would not necessarily be missing any action just by moving out of the way. This is attached to a forest, after all - there are all sorts of things around here. It may not be too dangerous, but best let wildlife be wildlife.

You move back into the bushes, not wanting to let sight go from the butterfly. You only have to move so far, after all - you do not have to leave entirely. No, that would be bad when you are so close to seeing what you want.

The sharp bushes continue to prickle at your back, and you can feel many things press by you as you force your way backward, not daring look away from the cocoon. You feel a few snags here and there on your dress, but you just shimmy your back around them, continuing to move.

You make it three feet before you notice that right side of your dress has gotten caught. All those loose threads did you no favors. With the rustling getting closer, you decide to just reach up and pull at the dress, though it does not budge much, so you grip hard and pull. You are surprised when the dress keeps in the branches (it looks like it had been pierced along the side seam), while sending you backward.

You land hard on your back and hear a few birds fly away. The rustling has stopped, and as you begin to sit up, you feel something amiss with your wardrobe. For one, you see your dress still attached to the bushes now at your feet, split completely along the broken seam of the right side, with the straps broken entirely. For two, the constant pricking on your back apparently did do something to you - your fine white slip is now sitting rather loose, the back of it perforated to near uselessness. The front is fine, but the lack of complete circling of your chest has made the garb incredibly loose. Even with your shoulders at rest, the straps constantly try to fall on either side, as that is how far the opening is in the back.

The rustling begins again, and you see a dog with a collar sniffing at the other end of your dress. You can hear a man behind the bushes calling out to it. You begin to reach for it - torn as it is, it is yours, but the dog has grabbed the other side.

In the midst of the sun shed through the bushes, you know this man is not very far off. Still, you do not want to lose your dress! You barely have a slip left!

You could try and grab the dress from the dog, or simply avoid confrontation and continue to move away.

Wearing Wide hat, white slip with left strap broken and tied and the back torn to each strap sitting very loose on shoulders, cotton panties, boots
Mood Slightly embarrassed, aggravated
Inventory Bag of boxes and pins, water bottle, butterfly catching net
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