Argue about the case he slept with Jessica before and not you

From Create Your Own Story

"You slept with Jessica?" You ask, face turning red with frustration.

"Well yeah and you should have been there. We could've had an awesome threesome," he tells you smiling.

"Bastard!" You slap him hard enough to leave a red hand printed on his face for an hour.

He throws his hands up, confused, "What the hell?"

"Next time you seep with that slut, I'll make sure everyone knows about how thirsty and desperate you are!" You walk away knowing you have won this argument. But now who will you date?

What do you do now?

Go to class before you are late

Go find the jocks and flirt with them

Find your girls and leave this hell hole

Find your girls and gossip about him

Tell the whole school how Jessica is a slut

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Designer Handbag

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group {{{Social Group}}}
Boyfriend/Girlfriend {{{Boyfriend/Girlfriend}}}
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