Adam and Eve Experiment/Stick with the leaves

From Create Your Own Story

You stick with the leaves and continue to walk through the rainforest. After about twenty minutes of walking you hear a twig snap behind you. "Shit!" A female voice says. You turn around to see a fully naked woman behind you. She appears to be in her mid twenties. She doesn't notice you. She is looking at the sole of her foot. You try harder to cover your now half erect cock. She looks up and sees you. She quickly covers up her vagina and breasts. "I didn't see you there." She says. "Hey." "Hi." You say back to her. You both stand kind of awkwardly. "My name is-" "Wait!" She shouts to you. "I found a crate near the ocean that says we can't say our real names!" "What are we suppose to call each other then?" You ask. "The note says we are to call ourselves Adam and Eve." She replies. "We are suppose to start living on this island together." "Oh ok then." You say. "Where do we start?" "Well it's getting dark maybe start making shelter?" Eve says.

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