AU/ You're a weredolphin

From Create Your Own Story

"Oh, you'll be glad to hear that our rec building has a pool, then," Professor Dark says with a smile. "Welcome to Alyrrawood University."

You leave, making your way back down the hall as you examine the schedule he gave you. You have calculus, herbalism, and languages before lunch, biology and ancient literature before dinner, and anthropology after. Sounds like a full day.

Next, you make your way across the moderately-sized campus to the dormitory building and find your room. When you enter, there's already someone in there, unpacking their bags. He looks like a faerie, his skin a dark blue-purple, his hair black, and his eyes midnight blue. He smiles at you.

"Hi there! I guess I'm your new roommate. I'm Nishae. I'm a brionaid fey."

"I'm Diver," you say. "I'm a weredolphin."

"Nice you meet you," says the friendly fey. "Hurry up and unpack -- lunch starts in a few minutes."

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