ANH: On the bridge of the Death Star.

From Create Your Own Story

You stand on the bridge of the Death Star, staring off into the blackness of space. A great blue orb of a planet floats between you and the eternity of dark that is the galaxy. You smile. It won't be for long.

You hear the footsteps of Stormtroopers behind you along with the heavier ones of your personal servant Darth Vader. You also hear the soft cloth swishing of a certain Princess struggling in her bonds.

"Governor Tarkin. I should have recognized your foul stench the moment I was brought on board."

Leia always thinks she's so clever. But today you get the last laugh.

"Such language Princess," you say, trying to suppress your irritation with her, not giving her the satisfaction. "But today you may not be so cutting for long. You recognize your home planet of Alderaan yes?"

A sudden expression of fear darts across her beautiful features. You smile again.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Grand Moff Tarkin
A New Hope

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