Girl Scout Cookies/Poker

From Create Your Own Story

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“How about poker,” you suggest. “For each hand I lose, I’ll have to buy a box of cookies. When I win, that’s one less box I have to pay for.”

“And what happens if you win more than you lose,” Claire asks sharply.

“I guess I get a few free boxes of cookies,” you say.

“We can’t give away boxes of cookies,” Lin quickly says.

“How about I start out buying three boxes then,” you suggest. “I’d have to win all of those back before you’re giving anything away.”

Claire thinks it over and shrugs, “Okay.”

All of you sit down in a circle in the middle of the living room. You deal out the first hand, and Lin gets lucky to draw two pair. Lin deals next and gives you a straight to put you back even.

As Claire shuffles the deck of cards, she suggests, “At this rate, we might play a lot of hands and not get anywhere. Why don’t we make the game more exciting?”

“Claire…,” Lin stammers.

Claire continues on, “Let’s make the game strip poker instead. We play until you’re naked. For every piece of clothing we have left on, you’ll have to buy three boxes of cookies.”

“I don’t know…,” Lin says quietly, but Claire silences her with a sharp glance.

“What do you say,” Claire asks you.

Playing strip poker with a bunch of teenagers – how do you think it sounds? What’s the worst case, I lose five hands all in a row and have to buy 36 boxes of cookies? “That works for me.”

“Okay, we’ve already all taken off our shoes and each sock counts as a separate item,” Claire explains, as she deals out the cards. “And we both have to lose all of our clothes to lose the game.”

The first six hands go by quickly – everyone getting used to the game. Claire definitely looks like she’s taken charge, while Lin’s nerves have steadied a little bit although she’s still quiet. At the end of those six hands, everyone has lost twice, and nobody has any socks left. The next hand will start to reveal something interesting.

Claire deals out the cards for the next hand. Remember that you’re playing five-card draw – you get five cards at the start of the hand and can exchange as many of them as you want for new cards. Best hand wins. You look at your hand seeing four hearts, including an ace and a two, plus a two of clubs.

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