TFA: Mano y mano

From Create Your Own Story

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The girl is flexible and proved it to you by landing a high kick that shoves your helmet off your head. You crash into the ramp straight where you shot it and a huge part of it breaks and fall into the central pit.

Another surprise for the -50 guys.

Before she has the time to send you down with it, you sweep her feet and make her land on her back. You both get up as soon as possible and a furious fist fight breaks out. You are stronger than her but she is faster and is better than you excepted. Now that your helmet is off, she hits you in the face again and again, but you stay strong and manage to push her back where you were a few minutes ago, a near bottomless pit right behind her. She panics and tries to get out to the right, but you just won an edge you are not ready to concede. You show her you too are quite flexible with a high kick that lands on her shoulders, stopping her. You predict that she will try and exit to the left, which she does and a kick to her knee coming from your other leg sends her back in her desperate position. The scavenger scum then does her last mistake, going forwards and trying to make you move. You too take a hit to your knee and she gives you quite a nasty punch to the jaw, but you counterattack with a powerful punch to the stomach that empty her lungs in one go.

She is yours now! What do you do?

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