Talk to the three men

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The three men walking out of the store don't seem to notice you at all, as they simply walk past your party headed back in which you came. It is evident they are talking, however a think accent prevents you from making much out of their conversation. What catches your attention the most however is not their blatant lack of weapons but their looks. Their armor looking so complex and intrigue, definitely not from this area.

(All Three are lawful Neutral)

The first one, what appears to be their leader (Ivan Chesnikov) is of moderate height. You would suspect a human but with their armor you cannot be sure. Thin black metal plate guards around his arms and legs, surrounded in tight black leather prevent you from learning anything about whats under it. The most unique feature of him however is easily his helm. A rounded metal cap with a mask covering his face shows not an inch of skin. Two glass circles appear where he should be able to see threw his mask, however it appears as nothing but reddened circles. The last thing you notice is a tube sticking from his helms mouth reaching into his bag, with a small metal container on the other side.

The second one (Viktor), is easily the tallest of the three, but seems thinner. similar to the first is covered in think black leathery armor. However he has a long black coat, completely concealing his back and sides with it. Like the first as well, his helm seems to be so strange. Two glass circles, again where the eyes should appear are damped out, appearing only completely grey. From his mouth splits two small metal containers.

The final man (Rooks King) equally as terrifying has abundant metal armor. You notice alot of bags, tubes and sticks pointing from him. Like the others he appears unarmed, not a sword, bow or spell book in sight. His helm however is extreamly different from the others. Encased in metal it displays dark red glass on the front. Unable to peer through. A small tube from the front of his mask leads into what appears to be a bag on his chest.

The unarmed men appear to have no business with you, completely ignoring your existence. However without actually seeing any of them, you cannot fully tell if they actually noticed you.

Attack the Three Men (Ivan)

Attack the Three Men (Viktor)

Attack the Three Men (Rooks)

Enter the mysterious store

Question the Three Men

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