The next day, begin slowly corrupting Karla

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Day 1: You meet Karla in school. She’s still afraid of you. You don’t mention the altercation with her mother the other day, instead choosing to talk to her with a casual, friendly tone. You leave her confused.

Day 2: This day you keep a more humorous tone with Karla. Although she’s still tense in your company your jokes gets to her. You leave her laughing and smiling.

Day 3: After two teachers turned in sick, shortening the day significantly you, you decide to walk Karla home. Having such a good time she invites you in, her mom and dad not expected for several hours. You joke wildly about school, celebrities, boys and life in general. Karla laughs at all your jokes, no matter how corny or childish. Gradually the jokes become more vulgar. Karla seems unsure if she really should be laughing at some of them. She tells you that you are the funniest person she’s ever meet and complains about how her other friends are absolute bores. When Karla goes to the bathroom you mess with the toilets lock using a common knife. This gives you time to install several hidden cameras in Karla’s room. When finished with the cameras you help her with the lock. She doesn’t suspect a thing. Before leaving you give her a quick, innocent kiss on her forehead.

Day 4: As Saturday rolls in you introduce her to some of your friends. All are cult members and they are aware of your plan. The girls are nice to her, complimenting her good looks and quick wit. Karla seems surprised, probably never been given this kind of attention from anyone before. The guys are pretty boys, way to feminine for your taste but do a good job introducing Karla to boy-girl relationships. Karla flirts with them, always leading the conversation. She gets real personal with one of them; really teasing the Satanist whom would rape her if this wasn’t a part of your plan.

Day 5: You introduce her to vodka. She initially complains that the vodka is too strong but drinks it to be polite. You both get a bit drunk and loosen your restrains. Your jokes become even more vulgar, now everyone of them is about sex of some sort but Karla laughs like never before. You talk about the boy she meet the other day. She really seems to like him, but you denounce him, telling her that he’s way too feminine to make a proper boyfriend. Karla nods her head in agreement. As the night draws to a closure the two of you make out. Kissing and cuddling like loving girlfriends.

Day 6: The two of you are inseparable at school. All those doubts and ill feelings she had for you raping her are gone. The straight A student begins to ignore her lessons, to the gasping surprise of her teachers. During lunch break you lock yourself in the toilets and make out, now also rubbing each other’s clit until orgasm. That night you watch her through the hidden cameras you mounted in her bedroom. She stands naked in front of a large mirror inspecting her body.

Day 7: Like day one, but you now kiss her in public. Karla’s friend tries to talk with her but she ignores them. She’s having the time of her life with you, a changed person. You share some vodka with her during school hours. You think she’s beginning to fall in love with you, but she still likes boys it seems, a bisexual no doubt. As an experiment you spike her drink with a sex drug. It won’t kick in until nightfall and have no long lasting effects. That night she’s full on masturbating in her bed. Her legs are spread wide and she’s assaulting her clit with her fingers. Rich fluids, proof of fertility gush out from her hungry pussy. She rubs her nipples and licks her fingers for those sweet juices. She moans your name the whole time. It’s time to take her virginity.

Day 8

After school you and Karla make your way home to Karla’s place. The official reason is studying, but in reality you’re just there for the vodka and kissing. Without Karla’s knowledge you’ve brought a six inch strap on dildo which you intend to take her virginity with. Your backpack is loaded with other stuff also since Karla informed you that her mother will be home today.

You enter Vicky’s home and find her dad and your anal-slave Vicky apparently waiting for you. Vicky does everything she can to appear calm. She’s probably fooling her idiot husband and daughter but you know better, able to read even the most subliminal messages across a person’s face. Vicky is dying on the inside from anxiety due to meeting you, and is probably incredibly horny as well.

Karla’s dad is as pathetic as you’d imagine him. He is in his fifties, fat and spotting a big bald spot on his round head. The hair on the side of his head is brown and curly, looking comical on his ugly frame. Going along nicely with his fat belly is his small limbs. He has T-Rex arms and you wonder how those small legs of his manage to support all that weight. No wonder Vicky was so starving for cock this guy is the ugliest mother fucker you ever seen!

You and Karla look like happy students, always smiling along with a playful attitude. The fat bastard has no idea what you’re doing to his daughter and wife.

“So this is the girl who has been stealing away our daughter from us!” The fat father says with a joy filled smile.

You laugh hysterically at the pathetic mans weak joke. He leers at your double D´s, no wonder since he’s being forced to hang out with these small B-cups all day. A small dicked man like him can’t resist the attraction of your superior breasts. Karla and Vicky laugh too, but not hysterical like you, they are tensed for different reasons.

“And look at your big bag little girl! You can be getting that many homework’s can you?”

“Oh… Can’t do enough studying I guess!” You say playfully, not breaking your smile.

“Well… I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you girls alone now. The bank calls!”

“Goodbye mister Goldstein!”

“Bye dad!”

“…” Said Vicky.

As her father leaves Karla tells you. “Come on Sharon lets go to my room and study!”

“Eh, wait just a moment Karla I’ll just need to go to the bathroom. You run ahead and start without me.”

“Okay!” She says and darts of towards her room.

“You are left alone with Vicky. Her facade begins to break down. The terror in her face is evident. You love the mixture of fear and arousal running across her face.

Your authoritatively bark at her. “Is that how you threat your mistress? Kneel you fucking anal-slave!”

The mothers newly learned slave instincts kick back in and she gets down on her knees in front of you. She begins crying again, sobbing as she surrenders at your feet.

“So how’s my anal-slaves sex life been seen we last meet?” You ask her mockingly.

“Oh Mistress it has been horrible! My ass feels so sore and it hasn’t fully deflated yet!” There is desperation in her voice, the humiliation and sexual violation isn't something she can cope with herself. Its eating her up inside. Only under your firm hand can she feel safe and dominated, she just hasn't accepted it yet.

Your smirk at her. “Your ass will never deflate to its original size slave. I make sure to permanently stretch my slave’s assholes when I use them. You know that wet, cold emptiness you feel inside your ass?“

“Wha… ho… how did you know that Mistress?”

You raise your chin in the air, looking down at her with an even bigger smirk on your lips. “All my bitches get that feeling in their ass. Eventually they learn to love it!”

A wicked idea crosses your mind. You came here not only to take Karla’s virginity, but also humiliate her mother. In your backpack you have a portable TV that streams the hidden camera video from Karla’s bedroom and a dildo. Your original plan was to force her to watch you take her daughters virginity and masturbate to it but now you have an equally wicked idea.

Why not let Vicky pay for Karla’s sins? You intend to party a lot with Karla so every cock or pussy her daughter tease Vicky will have to satisfy. Every selfish pleasure Karla enjoys will be paid with her mother’s body. Vicky would be beaten, raped and humiliated just so her daughter can have fun!

This doesn’t mean that you cannot corrupt Karla also. I just mean you can’t force her into anything, so it will be a lot more difficult to break her into a ceremonial sacrificial slave.

What plan should you go with?

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