Try to get by them.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:30, 8 November 2017 by Ubunto123 (Talk | contribs)

You were a pretty good runner in high school, good enough that the gym teacher wanted to recruit you for the track team. You decided it was worth a shot to get past these two guards. Judging from their size, they don't seem to be all that agile. Suddenly an idea struck you. You stopped in your tracks, bent down and removed your shoes. As the two guards rapidly closed in on you to less than 20 feet away, you viciously hurled them at your pursuers' head with a loud grunt.

It worked, the two guards lowered their chins and threw their arms overhead to avoid getting hit in the face by the sudden projectiles. You took this opportunity of distraction and quickly darted between the two men. Now that you're bare-feet, you can actually accelerate with more ease.

The lankier of the two men caught a glimpse of your movement from the corner of his eye and reacted. He stretched back with one hand as you raced past him and grabbed a corner of your upper garment.

"Gotcha!" He hollered.

No he didn't. You twist your shoulder furiously and smash your elbow into his outstretched arm before pushing forward. You could hear a "pszzzz!" as the fabric of your top half tears in his grasp. You keep running without looking back, leaving the man and his colleague behind with a handful of your torn outerwear.

Once outside, you dashed across the parking lot in your bare feet, weaving between parked cars to throw off your pursuers. As you reached the opposite side of the lot next to the main road, you stopped to catch your breath and glance back. The guards are nowhere in sight. They probably didn't want to be seen chasing a young woman with a ripped shirt.

You took a moment to inspect the damage to your "dress to impress" outfit. The top fabric has been torn off, exposing your bare shoulders and smooth cleavage. You threw your arms across your breasts in an attempt to cover up the exposure. Looking down the main road, you wondered how you will get home.

Try to hitchhike.

Try to hail a taxicab.

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