“I will lead our troops into battle personally!!”

From Create Your Own Story

I will lead our troops into battle personally 005

Outside Castle Arngard

November 28, 1547 lll Status: armed and armored

You don your ornate royal armor worn by Queen Enris II in her days of conquest. The armor is one size too big, as it is painfully clear that you are not the same warrior she was.

Your royal retinue of 15,000 soldiers arrives to relieve the siege of Castle Arngard. The besieged soldiers are running low on food and supplies. They are still approximately 10,000 soldiers strong. Like a shot of whiskey during a cold winter night, your presence warms the hearts of all. They face off against a force of 50,000 Belklun soldiers, 10,000 of which are elite Berserkers who drink special liquor, which renders them immune to feelings of pain or cold.

Your general within the castle is a lowly sergeant quickly promoted because the previous general died of a javelin to the face. He awaits your decision on how to proceed.

This is your first battle. You can do this Nora.

You order your army to:

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