Your poker group: Lucas, Mark, and Shane?

From Create Your Own Story

You wash up and dress yourself in a simple undershirt and button-down, a tight pair of briefs, and some casual shorts. You then make a few calls, and relax a bit for the day until you hear the first knock on the door.

The first one to arrive is Mark. Every time you see him, you remember a bit of just how massive moose really are. While you certainly aren't a small guy, he stands about two feet taller than you, even more with those big-ass antlers of his. He's dressed even simpler than you are: a tight pec-hugging shirt and sweatpants. You greet him and begin to make yourself comfortable, but it's not long before your other guests arrive.

Lucas and Shane arrive at about the same time. You give Lucas a huge hug, of course. He's your oldest friend, and days like these remind you just how similar he looks to his old primary school self. He's always kept that warmth and enthusiasm in his eyes, and his fanged grin is charming as ever.

You greet Shane as well. For a fox, he's actually not all that small, but he still stands shorter than either you or Lucas. It's times like these that you, seeing that mischievous gleam in his eye, remember just why you've continued to invite him to poker for so long. He's every bit as tricky and clever as you'd expect, and he's swept the table clean more times than you could count.

You and your guests take a seat around the table, and you begin dealing out cards. Before long, you're right in the thick of the action. Shane, as usually, consistently trails ahead. Mark and Lucas manage to hold on to most of their chips, but, to your surprise, you're running low after a rough couple of hands.

Hoping to mix the game up, you:

Furry Status
Health 98 Equipment:

Phone, Dress Shirt, Undershirt, Shorts, Briefs

Gender Male
Species Lion
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