Your brother asks you to meet him in his room right now

From Create Your Own Story

"where is dad anyway..." you ask a little hopeful.

"He's gone to wherever he goes during the day. pretending not to work. He's not gonna be back until this evening so we got all day to ourselves." he adds with a grin. Almost like he planned all of this. For a young teen, this dirty bratty brother of yours is pretty smart. And pretty evil... takes after your dad. You don't have trouble believing that one though. Your dad spend most of his days out of the house, skipping on cleaning and doing god knows what. For all you know, he's probably spending what little money the family has on hookers and drugs.

you let out a sigh "Can I at least finish cleaning?"

"Nope. I want you to come in my room right now. No stop on the way there." he says with his bratty voice.

You sigh and does so. by reflex you head towards your room to change as you're only wearing a towel that barely cover above your breasts and under your waist.

You walk into his room. it's surprisingly clean today. He sits on the bed and watches you. He smiles lightly.

"So yeah, here's how it goes. You do everything I say, whenever I say it allright ? If you don't, well... I'l just send that video all over youtube and take extra care to mention your name."

"Fine... " you ponder. It's just a matter of time before he takes his eye off his cellphone and you delete the video.

"Just in case you get any weird ideas too, I made dozen of copies of this on a cloud, so unless I want to, that video is saved. so no escaping loophole for you, sorry."

You grumble as if he's reading your mind. "Fine. When am I off the hook ?"

"Oh, well when I'm done having fun." he smiles a bit wickedly." When I figure you stop being a bitchy sister, I won't really need that video anyway."

You let out a long sigh, wondering what to do about this. You can't just let your brother blackmails you like that... But your not really seeing a way out right now.

"Fine... can I go now ?" you say.

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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