Your Queer Weekend Adventure/Search my jacket pockets

From Create Your Own Story

You go back into the hall and start searching the clothes you were wearing last night. Making your way from one item of clothing to another you check everything, even the inside of your socks. But there is nothing there, your trousers and the pockets of your shirt are empty. Your last chance is the suit jacket that's now crumpled up in heap at the bottom of the stairs.

The chance of you finding something is slim, almost non-existant, but you have to do something. You've started to panic a little as you feel the heavy ring slap against your thigh as you move around. You have no idea how to look after this new fashion item and the last thing you want is for it to get infected and have your dick fall off. It would just be your bad luck to have that happen to you.

But today luck seems to be on your side. Tucked into the inside pocket of your jacket is a small bit of paper. It turns out to be a receipt. And this is a big clue since it lists "(1) silver ring. (1) Cock piercing" as the bought items. At least you went to a proper piercing business and didn't try doing it yourself.

The best part is that there is an address listed at the top of the receipt. But should you go there? They might tell you how to look after it, but on the other hand they are the ones who helped a drunk man stick a needle in his dick in the first place. I bet you could find all the information you need on the internet just as easily.

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