Your Queer Weekend Adventure/Eat breakfast

From Create Your Own Story

You staggerer down the stairs and into the kitchen. Flicking on the coffee machine you sit at the table and drop your head onto the tabletop. Your still to hung over and tired to deal with things right now so you simply sit and wait for the coffee to be ready.

After a while you smell the sent of the coffee brewing and head it running down into your cup. You lift your head and stagger over to the machine. You poor in some sugar (or rather a lot of sugar) and drink it down in almost one go. Placing the cup back into the machine you hit the button again for another cup. The caffeine jolt hits you and you feel like your head is starting to clear. At least now you feel more awake. You then manage to make some toast that you eat while you drink your second cup of coffee.

In fact toast is all you have to eat. A quick look in your cupboards reveals you haven't got anything else here. So I guess you better go to the supermarket and get some food. Or will you put it off and do something else. Your phone is still beeping and you could do with a shower.

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