You immediately strike out to follow the rustling sounds

From Create Your Own Story

The sounds quickly die away. Luckily you reacted immediately, and you got a pretty good bearing on the direction, and you don't have to sneak through the woods for more than ten minutes before you catch up to whomever you are pursuing.

Moonlight reveals a pair of very strange naked men, carrying a bundle between them. The men are small and deformed, almost like goblins or some inbred pygmies. Their white skin is completely devoid to hair and they shield their eyes even from the soft moonlight. The only thing not small is their dongs - their penises are huge! On a grown man like yourself, such a large cock would look impressive, but on these small goblin men it looks ridiculous bordering on painful!

The pair is carrying what looks like a body between them, wrapped in a blanket. Then one end falls open, and you see a bunch of blond hair. Heidi! They quickly stop and tuck the blanket back in, and then they disappear into a cave mouth.

Echoes of falling pebbles tell you these two are the stragglers, and that more strange pale goblin men have already entered the cave before them.

There is no sign of any of the German campers. Only Heidi. And you can't even be sure it was really her.


Health Horny Location:

At the mouth of the Strange Cave, in the Deepwoods

MP 0
Level 4
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