You go see your pot dealer, Matt

From Create Your Own Story

Your good mood is short lived as your mother walks in to tell you that she's leaving for the next few days to go stay with her boyfriend. Which is a baldface lie. She's going to go do crack with Dillon the 20-something who cooks meth to fuel his crack addition. She thinks you don't already know this. But Dillon is well known in the circles you run. You blow off school, as you usually do on schooldays she leaves you home for and smoke pot while watching TV wearing nothing but the panties you went to bed in.

Eventually though, you realize you've blown through your whole stash, easy enough you can cover about half an ounce. You head upstairs changing out of your stained panties before hiding them under your mattress. You realize you're mother never did the laundry before she left, and you're out of detergent and fabric softener anyway.

Deciding this is an issue for another moment you just throw on a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt with that one chocolate stain spot. Normally you'd be a little apprehensive about leaving the house without underwear on. But it's not like you need much support anyways, and are only going to be walking one house over to score some pot. As you head down the stairs the fabric of the sweats are rubbing against your pubic stubble, which is making you feel uncomfortable. When you leave the house and begin walking you notice your nipples are hard and a single bead of juice begins to run down your leg, soaking into the sweatpants.

You get like this almost everyday since you started the gloryhole thing at school. It worries you for a bit but you shake it off. "I'll just jill off when I get back." you tell yourself.

You knock on Matt's door like usual and he answers. A short-stalky blonde man looks at you for a brief moment and simply asks "The usual I imagine? Hang on, I'm picking my latest batch. I'll bring it out for you."

You walk in and sit on his couch, a roomy black leather one, looking up at ESPN Sportscenter on his 60' plasma screen. Everything else is pretty barren stuff. Just an Xbox, some clothes and a mini-fridge with a microwave in the kitchen. All the things a single man needs to survive you imagine.

It only takes a couple minutes but he returns with a large ziplock bag filled with the goods. He sits down next to you. He's wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a cutoff t-shirt. He begins weighing it out for you as he usually does. Price is 225 an ounce, per the usual. 120 for the half. The smell is overwhelming and you take a moment to soak it in before saying. "I can do the half." before reaching into your bag for your wallet. 126 dollars and some change. You won't be able to get into town and get detergent or food if you do the deal. You contemplate this for a moment.

Perhaps sensing your hesitation Matt leans back on the coach with your bag all prepped. "You know sweetheart, you can always pay me in other ways." He glances at your hard nipples before returning to your eyes. "I'll tell you what. For the half you can do whatever you want as long as I get off. For the full ounce I can do whatever I want." He smiles clearly chuffed with himself. "It wasn't like you didn't like it last time right?" He looks at you for a moment with a little apprehension.

You nipples are diamond hard and you can feel the moisture on the inside of your legs now. What do you do?

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Bookbag, Wallet

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Rebels
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