You decide to give the vixen a second go

From Create Your Own Story

You really should pull out of your new playmate before you climax again. As a futa, you know that if you don't take a proper rest between "sessions", your orgasms become more powerful and more potent each time, and you're at risk of losing control of your urges entirely. You've only allowed it to happen once before, and that girl was stuck in her bed for a week.

But you can't help but gaze down at the beautiful dome you've created of this fox girl's belly. She continues to dreamily stroke and caress the soft fur there and idly stroke her enlarged breasts, the silky fabric of her lingerie stretched taut across them, her nipples standing rock-hard against it. All testament to the effects your hyper futa pheromones are having on her. You feel a sense of pride, knowing that's your cum in there. You're awfully tempted to go again, despite that part of your mind telling you not to.

Oh, what the hell.

You begin to move your hips back and forth again, slowly at first, your fat horse cock sliding in and out a few inches at a time. Your playmate responds with a pleasured moan, her hips arching subtly to meet your thrusts. But then, as you start to gain speed, she seems to snap out of her trance and looks up at you suddenly. "Uh, what are you doing?"

You grin back down at her. "I'm having a little more fun with my new playtoy," you say, as you hilt yourself inside her once again. You can feel your shaft already starting to grow thicker, your balls swelling and churning with renewed vigor as the sheer naughtiness of your actions and words thrill you.

The fox starts to look uncertain, apparently struggling between the afterglow of her previous climax and the reality of what you're doing now. Finally, she says, "You're not gonna cum in me like that again, are you? I don't think I can take any more!"

You just keep pushing, sending your cock slightly deeper with each thrust, feeling your own cum squelching around your tip with each motion, your flare mushrooming again as you start to tingle with your approaching climax.

"Did you hear me? I'm too full! I can't take much more of this!" She wiggles under you, trying in vain to scoot herself back. But your heavy shaft and the weight of her belly conspire to pin her down - you don't even need to hold her in place.

Your cock grows more rigid, your breaths ragged and shallow. Your muscles start to clench. The vixen whimpers, "No! Don't cum inside me again!"

With a deep, triumphant whinney, you tilt your head back and let loose! You feel your balls pulling tight against your loins again as your cock erupts inside the vixen, sending larger, thicker spurts of your seed into her than before. She cries out in a confused mix of fear and orgasmic bliss as your cock forces another climax upon her, her body betraying her mind and greeting each of your slaps and thrusts with enthusiasm. You send wad after wad of sperm into her already-crowded womb, bloating it further, sending her well past any reasonable pregnancy now, and your climax lasts considerably longer this time as well. You start to see stars and feel your mind numbing at the edges, such is your exertion.

Even after the vixen's own climax dies down, she continues to whimper, whispering, "Oh god, don't hurt me!" You know, of course, that none of this will harm her, but she's definitely not going to be going anywhere any time soon.

By the time your orgasm finally dies down, the vixen has swollen like a large, furry balloon. You can't even really see her face now. You can, however, hear her babbling incoherently in the aftermath of all of this.

That voice is back in your mind, telling you to pull out NOW before it's too late.

Furry Status (you)
Health 40 Equipment:


Gender Futa
Species Horse
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