You're tied up and naked! Start screaming for help!

From Create Your Own Story

Being a young teenage girl is tough!

It suddenly hits you that you're tied naked to the bed in the house of some guy you've never met. You take a deep breath and open your mouth to scream.

The red-haired man places his hand over your mouth, gently. "No need for that," he says soothingly. With his free hand, he tenderly traces his fingertips along the curve of your breasts, and little pulses of pleasure shoot through your skin. "I don't bite." He leans down and traces a line with his tongue from under your ear to your neck and then towards the top of your cleavage. "Unless you ask me nicely."

He caresses your cheek, and you feel your fear recede. He senses it and removes his hand from your mouth.

"W-who are you?" you ask, still feeling a bit shaky.

He gives you a smile. "My name is Kevin."

A very pretty woman walks into the room. She's naked as well.

"I'm Marcia," she says with a smile. "Kevin's wife. We normally have an open marriage, but we've been researching you. Your family situation, to put it mildly, is unstable."

"That is putting it quite mildly," you admit.

Marcia walks to the bed and kisses you on the cheek. "A girl like you shouldn't be working as a stripper. You shouldn't be living with a drunk and abusive dad. You should have a stable home environment." She kisses you again, this time on the lips. "Your possessions have already been transferred to our spare room. You'll sleep in here with us, as there's no bed in the spare room. My two brothers are finalizing the paperwork to make you our ward as we speak. They both work in the city government."

You blink rapidly. "You really did plan this out, huh?"

Marcia joins you in the bed, so that you're the meat in the sandwich. "Absolutely. Now, time for some fun. Would you like your breasts suckled or would you prefer to finger me and stroke my husband?"

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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