You're mother info

From Create Your Own Story

  • Full Name: Lisa Amber Ronald
  • Common Name: Lisa (Mom or Mother)
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 6'10"
  • Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Measurements:
  • Penis: None
  • Breast Size: 38c
  • Hair: Long, down to her shoulders, Blonde
  • Eyes: Light Brown
  • Details: Lisa is Chris mother! She's been quite a mature in the 30's women she is! She also lost her deceased husband during accident so she cried quite a lot, but her son: Chris told her "Don't cry Mom I will look after you and my family! Ok Mom?" so she felt better as her son grew up during many years, she's been thinking is he really doe's look like his father or just an illusion?
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