Wrap her up and kiss her back

From Create Your Own Story

You can't help yourself. You've had a thing for Melanie for years. Despite being her best friend and her confidante, you've wanted her desperately from the first time you laid eyes on her in High School. Who could blame you? Those bright blue eyes, those dark curly raven tresses, those succulent lips? Wow. Not to mention that body, trim and taut from years of hitting the gym, her ass tight and shapely, her breasts high and small enough to fit into a champagne glass. As she pressed her warmth into you, you temporarily lost your sense of surrounding.

You press your lips into hers, putting your arms around her and pulling her to you. Lost in the moment, it takes a second to realize that Melanie is trying to pull away, pushing at you with her hands and murmuring something into your mouth that sounds like "stop."

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