Work Attire/Try to find your way home

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that you better try to get home. Without your panties and pants, you feel pretty vulnerable walking around. So, you take off your shirt and tie it around your waist, hiding your crotch as best you can.

With that, you open the bus door and walk out into the depot.

After a few minutes, you reach the 8-foot high chain link fence surrounding the depot, but can't see a way to get through it. You start climbing and make it to the top of the fence pretty easily. As you swing your leg over, you shirt gets caught on the fence. You try to release the shirt, but it's stuck. Your struggle to free the shirt shake the fence enough that you start to lose your balance. You grab the fence to steady yourself and scream out in pain as you cut your hand on the sharp top of fence. You decide to leave the shirt and climb down the other side of the fence.

You look up to decide where to go next and see that your little scream has attracted the attention of a couple of rough-looking men who were hanging out near the depot. The men are walking toward you.

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