Wishful Thinking/The Apartment

From Create Your Own Story

During the ride, you find out the Diane goes to night class working on a degree in finance, and her boyfriend Derrick is working on his MBA. They plan to open their own restaurant one day.

You arrive at the apartment complex and make your way up the stairs to Diane and Derrick's apartment. On the way you pass a college aged, pale, couple dressed all in black with hair dyed black, and the girl had deep, dark red lipstick. They barely look at you. Diane says hi, and the two mumble something and walk down the stairs.

"That's the goth art-school couple next door to us. They are sooo depressing and listen to this dark, depressing music all day. They think we're yuppies! Us yuppies! Can you believe it?"

You have Amina freeze time except for you and Ginger. "I hate depressing goth kids. Let's lighten them up a bit!"

"What did you have in mind?" asked Ginger.

"Well, I wish the girl now absolutely loves hot pink. It's her favorite color. She's going to replace all her black clothes with frilly, feminine, hot pink clothes and she loves hot pink panties with cartoon characters, hearts, or flowers on them. I also wish she'd dye her hair platinum blonde and love to wear pink bows in her hair and wear pink jewelry, pink shoes, pink socks, pink stockings, pink purses, and wear only pink lipstick, eye shadow, and rouge. I wish she also hates the music she has been listening to and now loves Justin Timberlake and Hillary Duff music! And finally, her boyfriend loves her new look and they love to role play where she's like a naughty school girl."

Ginger laughed. "You are sooo clever! Let me do the guy!"


"I wish he love shiny white, silver, and gold clothes and loves opera music and loves to fuck to opera music. He hates to wear black and wants to go back to his natural hair color."

"Great," you say. "I also wish they and Diane and Derrick love to have orgies where Diane and Derrick and the dominant ones."

"Done!" said Amina.

"OK, one more thing before we restart time. I wish Derrick finds us incredibly sexy and Diane even more sexy. He wants to get with all of us, and so does Diane."


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