William’s Mall Escort - Chelsie wakes up without another article of clothing.

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Slightly Annoyed Apparel and Items: Dark Green Hoodie, Pink Bra (In Her Backpack), Pink Panties, Jeans, and Ankle Socks
Day, Time Saturday Morning
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation None

"Hey Chelsie! There you are!" she heard her younger brother say.

Chelsie opened her eyes and found herself on the very bench she had fallen asleep. She was kind of dazed from sleeping, but she almost immediately noticed something else was missing. Her visor was gone! Where was her stuff going?

"I've been looking all over for you!" William told her.

"How long has it been?" Chelsie asked, sitting upright on the bench.

"It's been like twenty minutes! We are really late!" he complained as she got to her feet.

"Alright, well do you know where they could be now?" Chelsie asked as they started walking again.

"Well I just texted them and told them to meet me here. They said they will be here in ten minutes. So I guess you can sleep some more if you want." he told her.

"I don't know..." Chelsie replied indecisively.

The last two times she had fallen asleep, she had lost some clothing. Where were they going? She had some time to use now before her day was completely taken up by babysitting so maybe she could do some shopping or something. She could use the bathroom since she had to go a bit. She was tired though, she could go back to sleep for a little bit.

William’s Mall Escort - Chelsie decides to go back to sleep.

William’s Mall Escort - Chelsie goes shopping at the clothing store.

William’s Mall Escort - Chelsie uses the bathroom.

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