Wiggle your demonic tail to her pussy

From Create Your Own Story

You extend your tail to the nun's panties and twist it inside. The tip gets easily inside her wet cunt. You're amazed to discover that it feels exactly like a penis.

The frightened nun doesn't dare to say or do anything but watch you fuck her with your new appendage. Then, both her attitude and breathing changes, as she doesn't stop watching your tail moving in her panties.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"

She grips your tail and tries to pull it out, but her efforts are fruitless. She tries to suppress her pleasure, which makes her moan even louder.

"I can't come, not like this!"

You grin as you watch her climax. You fuck her faster. It feels real good and your own climax is just around the corner. You realize your ignorance on your new attribute: if you come, will it ejaculate?

Do you:

Health Horny & Demonic Location:

Catholic Church

MP 0
Level 1
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