Warm ups

From Create Your Own Story

"All class lets begin shall we" you blow your whistle and it makes its shrill noise. "Line up" the class lines up and you take the, through the normal warm up stretching some light calisthenics push ups where hard for the boys as they went down the pressure pushing against thier erections they whence in pain and another sharp toot of your whistle they all begin to do laps the boys' cocks bob up and down having no support and the girls are not fairing any better, their tits flopping up and down the more endowed seem the worst off there is an audible slapping noise as flesh hits against flesh. Another toot of the whistle signaling warm up is done and they all line up.

What to teach:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Whistle, shorts, t-shirt, trainers

Status Happy, fully erect
Gender Male
Social Group Gym Teacher
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