Walk around in your underwear in front of Kelly

From Create Your Own Story

Just because Kelly’s living with you doesn’t mean you have to behave any differently. Not that she’s objecting. You’ve caught her not-so-subtly checking you out multiple times, but it doesn’t last long. Self reflection is definetly on her mind. You make steak for dinner, but she only eats half of it before she’s “full.”

You direct her to your king-sized bed, but she just sits at the foot of it, deep in thought. You sit down next to her, but she doesn’t even acknowledge you. She just continues staring into the void.

“Kelly?” you say, trying to elicit any response.

She clenches her fist on her knees, then shoves her body against yours and bawls into your shoulder. She sits like that for a full minute, wailing louder whenever you try to say something. You finally ask her what’s wrong and she looks up into your face, sniveling.

“Oh Adrian. I’ve screwed up my entire life! I didn't know what to do without you there to bail me out of every stupid situation I got my dumb ass into. I let my grades plummet at every school I went to. I had to suck off teachers to get good grades, but they’d make them worse if I didn’t go further. That’s the only responsible decision I’ve ever made. Not having sex with teachers after swallowing their cum! My parents were right! I’m nothing but a bimbo!”

She immediately goes back to crying into your shoulder. She needed you to help her and you abandoned her. She needed you to help show her a better path and you weren’t there. This might be the only chance you have to reconcile with her. Or you could make it even worse.

You are possessing:
Adrian, age 17
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