From Create Your Own Story

Message from Whisper 119:


Servers cannot complete identification due to conflicting signals. You appear to carry the traits of both CJ Ward and Gabriel Forrest equally. You tend to shy away from danger and seek to go with the flow and not make waves. You are skilled at reading people and getting them to do what you want. You long for close friends, but find it difficult to trust people even though your natural charisma would make it easy for you to win friends and influence people. Due to the warring aspects of your personality, your closely guarded secrets, and you self-doubt it is difficult to know exactly what future lies in store for you. All that can be said for certain is that Tower Prep will guide you to develop your unique potential. I recommend that you speak with Headmaster for further analysis before your first class this afternoon.

Year: First

Ability: Unknown

Roommates: To be determined upon further assessment.

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