WIO/Vixxen/s/Lean on the wall to brace yourself2

From Create Your Own Story

You brace yourself against the wall next to you and it creaks, moments later the coats you are hiding behind are yanked off of their hangers, and a furious Mrs. Green is staring down at you.

"You little black whore, you little fucking bitch!" She grabs you by your hair and yanks, stronger than you would have thought, throwing you out of the closet. "This little whore James? This is who you wreck our family for, a fucking teenage colored girl?"

Mrs. Green advances on you, but her husband steps between you and his wife, and is promptly kneed right in the balls by his angry wife, she is screaming at the top of her lungs, but you can barely make out anything she is saying.

"Fuck you asshole, fuck you and this soon to be homeless little bitch!" The rant continues, "Fuck you Vixxen you fat little fucking whore! I hope you end up sucking dick for crack when you and your dad get kicked out on your asses!" With that she grabs her bag, turns on her heels and storms out of the house. You can hear her tires squealing all the way down the street.

"Well that could have gone better," Mr. Green says, surprisingly he is grinning a little bit, you are scared out of your mind. That crazy woman looked like she wanted to kill you. "You aren't fat darling," Mr. Green says warmly, "Not at all."

"What are you going to do Mr. Green?" You ask, you figure they afford this place only because she is a lawyer.

"You know what stupid really is Vixxen?" He asks gently, leaning in and giving you a warm hug. "Not knowing what you do not know. There is a lot that Sue doesn't know that I actually know."

"How will you afford to live if she leaves?" You ask him, drawing a laugh.

"Oh I have more money than she does, I had money before she got out of the community college where she got her law degree." He is still naked, but amazing to look at, so you are not complaining. "I was a work from home IT Sec consultant, and I designed a firewall OS that ended up being the preferred rule in some defense technology."

You know computers, but it is obvious this is above your comprehension.

"I wrote something that the government purchased, and continues to pay me to tweak for them." Mr. Spears says, "Sue only knew that I had money, and that she had to sign a prenup, she never really knew how much I had. Our accounts have been separate for the most part." As he says this he is walking you down stairs to the living room, "Let's watch a movie Vixxen."

A movie? This guy is facing divorce, and he is smiling and wants to watch TV?

He walks out of the room to his office, still naked, and takes a few minutes to get back.

Day 1 Inventory:

Phone, wallet.

Time 7:15
Money $00
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