WAS: The beast moves towards you too fast, turn around and run while working on your strategy

From Create Your Own Story

You turn around and sprint. You do not run very far as you see that your heading towards a tree. The tree doesn’t stop you, using your momentum you run up the tree and summersault yourself off the tree. The beast however runs into the tree head on. The trees bark break, its charge was that powerful. Landing right behind the beast you find that it has been stunned by the crash. You move up beside it and use your sword to cut its head off. Blood gushes forward, you consider taking the head as a trophy but you discard it on the counts of it being a mindless animal instead of an real foe.

The troll moves up besides you and says a bit meekly “ Hmm, you are a great hunter human. By the way the other female is also close.” You face him, staring wide eyed. “Other female? What are you talking about?”

Before he can respond you can hear the princess scream in the distant. You run towards the scream but the hideous troll does not follow. You reach the princess and find that she has been captured and lays at the feet of the Bandits leader.

The Bandit leader stands over the princess. He wears a massive armor covering every inch of his body. His helmet covers his face with an mask deception a laughing demon that sends terror to anyone who looks at it. He cares a golden scimitar which is an impressive weapon even to one of royal blood such as yourself. You point your sword at him. What happens next?

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