WAS: Muster all your resolve and decide to leave this place and go to the Hive

From Create Your Own Story

The woman doesn’t move. She stands in the water looking at you, looking through you, deep inside you want to go down there and join her, you want her more than anything on this world. You feel yourself unable to just run away your body won’t let you. While fighting of the wild desires from within you begin to slowly turn around. The turn takes about a minute to complete with your mind desperately trying to stop you. Facing the woods you take a step… then another and then another. You begin to pick up speed the farther you get from her and you mind returns to your control. Another few steps away you fear that she might be following you.

You think about turning your head and see if your fears are correct but you don’t. Unopposed you wander into the woods.


Deep in the swamp you encounter hell. The hive is huge, standing as tall as the nearby trees. It’s something fundamentally repulsive about this building; just looking at it makes you want to barf. Maybe it’s the smell of death or the completely alien like construction of the hive, or maybe it’s the trolls guarding it. It appears that by avoiding one troll you’ve just manage to stroll into his home. You’ve hid in some bushes to avoid detection and get ready to leave this horrid place.


It’s a scream coming from inside the Hive. Worse yet it’s the scream of a woman. It can only mean one thing, the princess is in there. You sigh heavily and complain to yourself a bit over your bad luck. Now you’re forced to find a way in. The only problem is that it appears impossible. The only way in is through the front entrance which is guarded by two trolls. They appear just as threatening as the one from earlier and even bigger.

The only reasonable option you can think of is using fire and even that is a long shot. You would have to set fire to the hive and then dash into the burning hive to save the princess. You could also check out the area hoping to find some way to get in, although that seems highly unlikely. Or if you feel like challenging fate just confront the trolls head on.

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