Use ninjutsu to whoop these punks

From Create Your Own Story

You spin and strike out with a roundhouse kick to the face of the italian thug. The burning joint in his mouth is destroyed as embers shoot out everywhere and the thug falls to the ground unconscious. You hear cursing and instinctively flip back on your hands, barely avoiding a switchblade thrust from the hispanic thug as he curses in spanish. You feel hands grabbing you from behind as the african american thug tries to secure you. You spin again and deliver and elbow to his face, breaking his nose. He falls to his knees holding his face and choking on his own blood as you turn back to the hispanic thug. He again thrusts his knife at you and you deftly dodge him. You grab the arm and wrist holding the knife and use his momentum to pull him off balance, then twist his own arm back up to stab himself in the eye as he squeals in pain and goes down on his stomach. You turn and deliver a crippling kick to the tall thug's bloodied head, knocking him out cold. You jump high into the air backwards and come down on the hispanic thug's neck with a loud cruch, twisting your boot into his neck and ending his whimpering.

It looks like you are committed to exploring this area quickly with the bloody mess you have made. You spy a keycard on the italian thug's waist and take it.

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