TunnelLLD/Fuck the statue in the middle

From Create Your Own Story

You choose the one on the right and position yourself just like the woman in the image. You reach back and spread your ass cheeks and wait for the pain that will soon arrive. It does not take long before you feel the dick enter your asshole with great force, but there is no jumping from a pain that does not arrive. For some reason, which you believe has to do with the white liquid, you are able to take the impossibly long dick all the way without protest from your asshole. You feel the statue back out all the way and immediately force itself back in. You wait until the fifth time passes.

Once finished, you wait for the cum, which hits you hard. You start to rub it all over your ass cheeks and around your asshole, making sure every inch is covered in cum. Then stand up to wait. You feel a strange sensation on your ass, but again find it is not unpleasant.

The wall disappears and you continue on your way. You find yourself at another dead end and wait for the image. It does not take long. This time she appears standing next to anal beads that are massive. There are 6 of them, each one a little bigger than the last. The first one being about the size of a baseball, and the last one about the size of a softball. You watch her bend over and slowly insert one after the other until they are all inside. She moves her hands and you can see her asshole closed tight, except for the part meant to pull them out. Then she slowly pulls them out. Once all of them are out, she stands and disappears.

You watch as part of the wall disappears, and you see the anal beads. You were right about the first one being about the size of a baseball, but the last one is even larger than you imagined. You highly doubt you could even get the first one in, let along all of them.

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