Try to seduce your father from the back seat

From Create Your Own Story

Sniffling from the back seat, you say, "Daddy, do you think anyone will ever want to be with me? I mean, who is going to want to be with a woman who poops herself?"

"Oh, sweetie, it's not that big of a problem. You're a beautiful young woman. You're going to make some boy very happy some day," he replies.

"I don't know, Dad. I want to believe you, but my boyfriends have all left me before we can really get all that far." You pause for a moment and then say, "I'm still a virgin, Daddy. I know you and mom both thought I'd turn into a whore when I went to public school, but I can't even keep one of the boys there interested in me long enough to do that!"

"There's nothing wrong with that, honey. Sex isn't everything in life," he tells you.

"Well, when was the last time you had sex?" you ask.

"I hardly think that's appropriate, Christina!" he says, glancing back at you.

"I just told you about me, it's only fair. Plus, you just said it doesn't matter," you respond sadly.

He gives it some thought and sighs. "Fine, it's been a while if I'm being truthful. Your mother's work schedule keeps her busy, so we haven't been able to be intimate since our last vacation."

"But, Daddy. That was last year! You haven't done anything for a year?" you say in shock.

"Well, I have taken matters into my own hands a few times. It's hard with you and your sister in the house." Catching himself, he quickly follows up saying, "Not that I'm mad about it. You know I love you both. I don't mind holding it in. I still love your mother, too. I just wish she'd be willing to let me give it to her more than once a year. It's so frustrating. Gah, why am I telling you this?"

"It's okay, Daddy," you giggle. "You know, I'm okay with you jerking off while I'm in the house. I play with myself at least once a night, sometimes three or four times. There's no reason you shouldn't, too."

"Four times a night!" he says in surprise. "I suppose we know who you inherited your sex drive from!"

You both share a laugh and the car fills with an awkward silence.

"Daddy," you bashfully say as the car pulls up to a stop light. "If Mom isn't going to help you, I always could."

"Christina Lockhart! What are you talking about!" he says as he turns around to look at you. You catch his gaze lingering on your exposed ass.

"Nothing bad, Daddy. We both have needs that aren't being met. We could just masturbate together," you say shyly, quickly following up with, "Only if you want to. I just figured we might as well. I'm even getting wet from this conversation. If I knew a guy could get off to me, it would make me so happy."

He thinks about it briefly and then asks, "As long as its just between us, I guess we could try. It's been months since the last time I came."

"Of course, Daddy. I promise I won't tell anyone. This talk has gotten me so horny."

"Me too, honey. I can see the house now. Go clean up and I'll meet you in your room after I deal with your sister."

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