Try to save both the man and the boy. you can't leave anyone behind.

From Create Your Own Story

"Fuck that," you say. "I'm not having your death on my conscious." You reach down and wrap the man up in your arms. He protests, but you get his arms around your shoulders as you hand Mikey the flashlight. "Mikey, we're going back out to the car. When we get there, I need you to get inside as fast as you can. Keep the light on our path there, okay?" Mikey nods, turning the flashlight so you can see.

You struggle back down the hallway. Trying to move too fast causes the man to bleed more and suffer from pain that leads him to cry out. By the time you're back in the living room of the house and staring at the front door, you realize this was a mistake. Three pustule-faced men with sharp knives stand in the living room, and before you can get the bat up, their on you.

Over the course of the next few hours, they take turns ravaging the three of you. They cut your Achilles's heel so none of you can run, and then strip you all. They savagely rape and torture all of you, even going as so far as fucking the wounds in your bodies as they make them. There's so much screaming you slip into shock, so much blood that your mind drifts off, having snapped at the cruelty and violence.

By the time you all three die, it doesn't matter. You weren't there anymore anyhow.

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