Try to rescue Princess Cornelia

From Create Your Own Story

You can have at Bad Billy some other day. You sprint after the man trying to drag the princess away. He dodges the thrust of your dagger you send his direction but has to let go of Cornelia to do so.

You put away your dagger and scoop up the princess in your strong arms. "Let's get you to safety!" you hiss. Bad Billy and the Bail Jumpers have found a different vehicle and are making their getaway, but their abduction plot was foiled.

The four bodyguards who were with the princess hasten over to you and reclaim possession of her. "Thank you so much!" the princess says to you. "I owe you a favor. You may ask for it any time."

"Be safe, Princess," you say. Lilith has rejoined you. "And if you find where those guys went, I'll be happy to deal with them."

"The Royal troops will be looking for them as well," Princess Cornelia hisses. "They'll wish they were never born."

She and her bodyguards depart, Lilith gives you a smile. "That was very quick thinking," she whispers.

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